Sunday, January 11, 2009

Thrift-In the New Year

Let’s face it - we have no idea what 2009 might bring. We can make idle resolutions and reflect on the previous years’ mistakes and misgivings but we still are not sure, financially, what the future will hold. Here’s what we do know - the economy is on a downward spiral into the abyss as is our concept of stability and safety financially. Some of us are unsure if, when and where our next paycheck will be coming from. Some of us are having to make the dollar stretch way further than seemingly possible. Gas prices are down (for now) but everything else is way up, yet it seems we are still getting paid the same, if at all. Well, HELP IS ON THE WAY!

I am a college graduate and I have never landed the dream job you are so aptly believed to get once you graduate. I have diligently applied for jobs from office work to factory to retail, but I have yet to bring in any malleable cash flow. I have been living this way all of my adult life, so when the economic crisis began to rear its ugly head, honestly, things were not that different for me. I am dedicating this website to share with you how to be thrifty, how to stretch your dollar, how to save money and where to save money. I don’t clip coupons or wash the same paper towel until it disintegrates but on my meager income I have plenty of food to eat, wear designer clothes, have a beautifully decorated living space and have zero debt. I am by no means living the “high life,” but I would love to share with you how you can achieve a thrifty lifestyle and remain stylish and content.

Also, it is so much fun when someone asks you how much you paid for the beautiful outfit you’re wearing and their mouth gapes open when you tell them under $20. Besides, doesn’t it make more sense to save your money for the more important things in life such as vacations, a home, a college education, or smart investment rather than wasting it on “stuff?”

I will be featuring actual items on this website that I have purchased and how much I paid for them and then show you how much this item would sell at retail value. Also, I will share the multitude of ways you can be thrifty with gifts, décor, clothing and artwork. Remember what’s important in life - friends, family, love, health and happiness and everything else is just stuff, and I’ll show you how to rock your own style on a thrifty budget. So let’s clear out the clutter and make way for a thriftier state of mind…

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