Thursday, March 26, 2009

Five Easy Ways to Make Extra Cash

Not only is recycling an excellent way to do your part in keeping our world clean but it holds benefits for you as well. If you recycle aluminum cans, cardboard, paper, copper scrap, etc. you can make a small profit. If you don’t mind taking them to your local recycling center yourself, you could make $10 or more cash. I know it’s not much money, but every little bit helps. For example, I took in 2 garbage bags of aluminum cans (uncrushed) and got back around $6. Note that prices do fluctuate and with a lot more people trying to find ways to earn an extra buck, the prices might be lower if they already have a lot of that particular item. Also, there are some people out there who steal copper and steel from sites and homes so they will ask you for identification if you are recycling copper, steel or any type of scrap metal.

You can find this service at most grocery stores. If you’re like me, you keep every penny but are uncomfortable in using them in excess when buying something (i.e., counting out 100 pennies may get you some unneeded hatred from the line forming behind you). I like to keep my change in a central location (I use a small basket). I find change when cleaning out my purse, doing laundry and cleaning the house. When my basket is full, I take it in to my local grocery store and use the Coinstar machine. You just drop in your coins, the machine calculates how much is there (they do take a slight percentage) and it prints out a cash voucher that you can turn around and cash in at the help desk. Last time I took my basket in, I made $10 from all my pennies, nickels and dimes (I use most of my quarters).

Secondhand Boutiques
There are some secondhand stores (not thrift stores) that will give you a cash option for your items or a store credit (usually the store credit worth more). The city I live near has a book store, clothing store and cd store like this. The only catch is that they give a very small percentage for your items and are usually picky, but this helps keep the concept and style of the store intact so I understand. The items that they don’t take I give to the local thrift store and get a tax receipt.

Antique Dealers and Auction Houses
If you have some furniture that has been passed down or you found for a good deal but now have no place for it and want cash for it, try bringing a picture of the item to your local antique shops and ask them if they’re interested. Again, you will probably only get a fraction of what the item is worth, but you can get the cash for it now instead of waiting for it to sell on consignment. Also, if you have a lot of items or an estate, try contacting an auction house. They will sell your items for a cut and give the rest of the money to you. Many auction houses will even pick up the items for you.

Pawnshops are very popular these days because of the need for extra cash. You can take an item in and the clerk will give you a price for the item they feel is fair (keep in mind, the price will be lower than the actual worth because they need to make a profit too). I have never utilized a pawnshop but I would suggest knowing the worth of the item will help so that you won’t get ripped off.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Stuff to do for Free (or Close to Free)

No matter where you might live, there are many fun things to do - for free. It might take a little research, creativity or just a willingness to try something new but your wallet will thank you. You can usually find a state park or metro park website for your state where you are more than welcome to get some fresh air and enjoy the beauty of nature. A lot of parks even schedule group hiking or activity events for bird watching, tours, etc. Fishing is also a favorite pastime of mine and although not exactly free (you have to get a license for about $20 for the year) you can fish all year using your own bait. I find worms make the best bait and the kind that you buy, ie, catfish food, smell like, well…like what you would think it smells like.

Also, check out your local library for events especially for kids. They are always having readings, activities or art exhibits for free right there in the library. Our state has a website that lists all of the festivals that go on throughout the state by month. Not all of them are free but there are many that have no admission price. You can go to your local arts center, gallery, or local college and view the exhibits for free. Another one of my favorite pastimes is to go to an area that has more than a few antique shops within walking distance and it’s fun just seeing what is inside. Also, check out your city’s events calendar and see if there is a monthly art walk or gallery showing for free in your area.

If you’re stuck indoors, have a spa day. If you’re like me you have a barrage of mud masks, lotions, nail polishes and more that you don’t use that often. Well, put them to use alone or with a friend. You don’t need fancy equipment or expensive items. Really, a lot of natural masks you can make using ingredients around the house (honey, vinegar, cucumbers, etc.). You can use a large bowl or tub to soak your feet in and use olive oil after exfoliation to get your feet smooth. The only spa treatment you might need help with is a massage.

Another thing you can do is have a themed movie night. Watch comedy movies, horror movies, or remake vs. the original movie. A good resource to get free movies is, again, your local library. They probably won’t have a lot of new releases but they do seem to have harder to find movies.

If you have children, there are even more things to do, especially at home. Check out teacher resources on the web and you can print out coloring pages or activities for the kids to do. Baking cookies together is always a fun activity. The easiest ones to make are homemade sugar cookies and require flour, sugar, baking soda and other ingredients you probably already have. It doesn’t have to be the holidays to make sugar cookies. Let them create their own cookies however they want. Challenge for you - try to have fun for free this week…

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Know Your Local Resources

Help is out there from saving money to finding stuff to do for free to finding assistance of all kinds, it just takes some savvy and know-how to find it sometimes. Most of the resources are similar in every town and state but there may be slight differences so don’t get discouraged if the information is a little different from where you live. Most places where one can find out about resources are the same. Almost every city or town has its own website for visitor and resource information or a city website - just type in your city and state in google and you should find it. On this site you will find city information and contact information for various city services and officials. It is always nice to know who to contact when needed. Also on this site there is usually a link for employment and city jobs.

This brings me to the next resource that a lot of people do not know about, the jobs and family services centers. Almost every city or town has one and they hold resources from job placement, GED help, job training to disability services. Also, at these centers are usually in contact with a local food bank where if needed you can receive food or you can volunteer to help serve or donate food to those in need or get information on how to receive food. Also, some churches provide free meals once a week, no questions asked.

Another resource is your local thrift store. By definition, a thrift store is a second hand store that donates portions of their money to non-profit organizations. One reason to donate is that you can receive a donation receipt to use as a tax write-off. Also, some thrift stores have their own food bank services and some will even help pay your heating bill in the winter months if you are unable to do so. I know of one national thrift store, The Salvation Army, that will visit schools to talk about the importance of giving and sharing and helping those in need.

My favorite center for resources is the local library. Most libraries have a lot of the forms you may need such as a change of address form, tax forms, heating assistance forms and pamphlets on hundreds of subjects. They also have a reference section for almost anything you might need - such as leasing forms, legal information, divorce forms, etc. Just go to the information desk or reference desk for help. The library can be a godsend for teachers as well. Our local library website has links specifically for teachers for lesson plans. Also, teachers (and anyone else) can check out movies for free. Libraries usually have free programs and classes/activities for children, classes for adults and affordable meeting rooms. Libraries are a great resource for children especially because by getting them their own card they learn responsibility and the reading programs teach them it is fun to learn and read.

Another resource for the older community are adult day care centers. They cost very little and are a lot of fun. They sing, make crafts, play games, meet with people their own age and they even send them presents for the holidays.

Another resource in some cities are free furniture banks. It is a little tricky on how to get the okay but basically if you or someone you know is in desperate need of furnishings, see if you have a free furniture bank or contact a local thrift store and see what they can do. In these times, it pays to know where you can get free help and help others.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Plot Thickens

The dying art of reading is unfortunate but I know my fellow bibliophiles are out there and I bet you would love to know where to find books for as little as 50 cents. I know the new thing is to read e-books and there is nothing wrong with that. I just love holding a new book, carrying it with me and admiring the artwork inside and on the cover. I have hundreds of books and it is a pastime of mine to search out books that I find interesting to fit into my collection. If a clean house tv crew were to come to my house I would tie myself to the books in order to save them. But buying books new is an endeavor I simply cannot afford.

Instead, at a thrift store you can find books from 50 cents to $1-2 each. Some other ways to find cheap books are yard sales and library sales. Ask your local library - I’m sure they have summer book sales. Also, there are discount bookstore chains, such as where one can find a wider array of books for half the price or less. I have found books ranging from antique, classic novels everyone should own, silly books, cookbooks to reference materials. You never know when you might need a quotation reference book for a paper or a homemade card. Also, one of the best ways to save money is on children’s books. If you’re a teacher (or a Mom), I know most of the materials you use come straight out of your pocket. I am a Substitute Teacher and I have even found lesson plan books and educational worksheet books for 50 cents each. At most thrift stores children’s books are around 50 cents each and not usually over $2, unless it is a collectible. One can find newer books, classics, educational books, dictionaries and even singing books. One could get 100 books for $50, or, every year you can add 10 books to your library for $5 a year!

For adults you can find recent best-sellers, reference, DIY, cookbooks, self-help books and more for $1-2. The best reason to shop at a thrift store is you can find rare and out-of-print books. I am still angry with myself for not buying Disney’s “Our Friend, the Atom,” from the 1950’s. This book is worth anywhere from $20-70 as a collectible, not to mention how interesting it was.

The downfall of shopping at a thrift store is you have to take your time to look. There simply is not enough time to adhere to the Dewey Decimal system when putting out new product in a thrift store, as they typically receive 4-6 cartloads of books in each day. Also, if you’re a reseller of books, this is the best way to maximize your profits and if the book doesn’t sell, you’re only out a couple of bucks. A site I have been meaning to try out is and, of course, This would also be a great way to start your own book club. Each person in your group could buy a book at $1-2 each and trade each book weekly until each person has read each book, donate the books and start over again. It really doesn’t have to cost that much money to get involved, keep up with a hobby and pass it on…

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Kids Stuff

Part of my job when I was a Manager of a thrift store was to have a general knowledge of how much items cost new at retail price so when we would price an item it would be a fair price for the buyer. I always look at the ads in the Sunday paper and have looked online to see what the price of things are these days. That is one of the drawbacks of never buying at retail price, you may experience sticker shock upon entering a mall or trying to find an item new online. Stuff is expensive! Especially toys and items for kids.

I don’t have children of my own but I do sympathize with parents. I honestly don’t know how they do it. But I do know where they can get the superfluous items, which are always at the top of the importance list for kids, for a lot less. Also, the idea of buying all of your kids’ clothes new is somewhat silly when you can buy the clothes at a discount price and if he/she comes home with a hole or a stain it’s not a big deal. Yes, I am talking about the thrift store again. Most thrift stores do sort all of the clothing and only put out clothes that don’t have holes or stains and are gently used. Why pay $20 or more for a pair of jeans when you can get 4-5 pairs of jeans or more for that price.

I had this conversation with my mom awhile ago and she said that she wanted better for us and that’s why she bought us new clothes but if she had it to do over she would have definitely bought most of our clothes second-hand. Kids clothes are the best to buy second hand and are sometimes more gently used than adult clothes. When you think about it, at the rate a child grows, that kid isn’t wearing that outfit for very long. Some kids might be embarrassed or think that a thrift store is beneath them but you should take them there as young as possible so they are used to it and make a game of it. Make it fun. Allow them to pick out regular, rand name clothes and explain that they can have more clothes that fit their style as opposed to 1-2 outfits at a retail store and let them pick out some play dress-up items, such as hats, boas, etc. to show them how much fun it is to shop thrifty.

Next, is toys, yes, the utmost important items in a child’s mind. While perusing ads I was shocked at how much toys cost and I was saddened by the thought of many a child only getting 1-2 presents while Mom and Dad skipped eating for a week to afford them. At the thrift store where I worked, I found my nephew 2 leap frog learning toys and a simulated car toy for a total of under $10. All they needed was wiped down with Clorox wipes and new batteries and abracadabra he loved them! Retail price of each leap frog toy was $20-30 and the car toy was $15 new. He had no idea they weren’t new nor did he care and his mom is on board for the toys to come. Challenge for you if you have kids or know someone who does, try and find a toy at a thrift store for under $5, clean it up and get some dollar store batteries if needed and see if the kid likes it…After all, it’s just kid’s stuff.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Gift of Re-Gifting

I was recently on a website, which shall remain nameless, where there was a discussion about how class-less and disgusting re-gifting a gift was. I thought this was truly funny. If you received say, 15 bath gift sets for the holidays and really only needed 5-10 of them for the year, what happens to the remaining bath sets? According to the website I mentioned earlier, perhaps you should throw them away? I suppose it is up to you what happens to those gifts that either you have too many already, are not quite your style, or you just don’t like. Whatever the reason may be, please, if you think re-gifting is a travesty, at least donate to your local thrift store. Some thrifty shopper would love to snatch it up at a fraction of retail price.

However, if you are like me, you see nothing wrong with passing the gift along to someone who would like it and saving you a few bucks along the way. I do think there are certain guidelines one should follow when re-gifting so you’re not insulting the receiver or the original giver of the gift. For example, probably not a good idea to re-gift a perishable item that is way past it’s bedtime. No one deserves a moldy fruitcake in April. It’s probably also not very polite to re-gift something that’s been obviously used in the order of bath sets, perfume and the like.

I recommend if you have extra gifts that you do not want, keep them in their wrapping and save in a storage bin for last minute gift ideas. If you shop at the dollar stores, you already have extra gift bags and a card. So when a co-worker calls you Monday morning to see what you got Sally for her birthday, you are all set. There is also the ultra-respectful rule of never re-gift an item to the same person who gave it or to a person who will see the gift that they got you now being passed on right in front of their eyes. I know it’s good to be honest and upfront but I have never agreed with someone blatantly telling someone they hate the gift they gave them. That is rather class-less. Unless it simply doesn’t fit, you should probably keep these comments to yourself because you may get a moldy fruitcake next time.

Also, it’s nice to have extra gifts around if you’re strapped for cash at the time of someone’s birthday or special event. This way, at least you gave them something to acknowledge them and not an IOU for the future. As mentioned before, if you’re not comfortable with re-gifting please donate it to a thrift store. A lot of people shop the thrift stores for gifts. I know that I found a lot of great gift sets, books and collectibles for my family and friends during the holidays while still being able to pay my bills. If it’s done right, re-gifting can be as rewarding as going out and getting it yourself and you can feel good about not wasting something you will never use.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dollar Store Pros and Cons

Ahh…the dollar store, let me count the ways - one…one…one, etc. I don’t frequent the dollar stores on a weekly basis but the savings there are immeasurable. The only cons I could come up with for shopping at dollar stores are you may have to do some extra driving after you have already gone to the grocery store, I wouldn’t recommend buying a lot of food at the dollar store although I have found that candy is always great from there, you may not find the exact name brand of an item if that is your desire. Now, for the pros I will dedicate the rest of this page to the power that lies within the dollar store.

First, I will tell you that there are differences with dollar stores, the “true” dollar stores are the ones in which everything in the store is $1. The other dollar stores have discounted items which are definitely still cheaper than buying at retail cost at the grocery store. The items I like to buy at the “true” dollar store are gift bags, wrapping paper, birthday and occasional cards, body wash, candy, magazines, baby powder, cleaning supplies and cat toys. It is always a good idea to have a few extra gift bags, paper and some cute but ambiguous birthday cards for the unexpected office co-worker birthday. There are always notebooks, stationary and inexpensive toys at the dollar store that would be great as gifts for kids especially if you are a teacher and have a gift grab bag in your classroom.

Cleaning supplies are sometimes a trial and error experience but a lot of times you can find the brand that works just as well as the name brand items and sometimes they have the actual name brands there for $1. These are my favorite stores when I do not have much money and want to buy something new, although (caveat emptor), you may leave the store spending $30-40 because everything’s just $1 and you may get carried away. The other dollar stores are where I like to buy batteries, soap, shampoo/conditioner, deodorant, aspirin, cold medicine, curtains, tablecloths and storage supplies. These items will cost you more than $1 but they are at a deeper discount than at the grocery store and you can typically find your favored brand here.

Sometimes I might stock up on certain things so that they are always on hand at home so that I won’t be stuck paying a higher price for the same items at the grocery store. These items are soap, deodorant, gift bags, cards, paper, tape, and toothpaste. Another thing that dollar stores are really good for are if you like to craft, scrapbook or simply like to make things. There is usually a section in the store that has stickers, decorator rocks, faux flowers and they are cheap enough if you make a mistake - oh well, try, try again. I have yet another challenge for you - look at your next grocery bill and take it with you to a dollar store to compare what you might have saved or vice versa, take the dollar store bill to the grocery and see who finishes first…

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The New and Improved Thrift Store

Some of our ideas about thrift stores are probably pretty dated. One can picture digging through mounds of garbage in a dusty room only to find one pretty cool vintage shoe or a book that may sound interesting but mainly just layers of junk. That, unfortunately, is true of some of the local thrift stores out there today. However, I have worked for consignment and thrift stores for the past four years and I am here to dispel what you might think is the truth about thrift stores. You can find so many wonderful and surprising things at thrift stores and consignment stores. I have dedicated a portion of the home page to show what types of items I have actually purchased from thrift stores, what I paid for them and how much they cost at retail value. It is so much fun to get a great outfit knowing you paid less than a half tank of gas.

Some may be disgusted at the idea of buying used items but if you wash them, there is truly nothing to be afraid of. Besides, who knows where new items are stored and what kind of conditions your new clothes go through before they arrive at a store. First, I suggest looking up all of the thrift stores in your area and checking them out. Through my experiences as a thrift store maven, I have found that different stores have a “best of” category. Let me explain - one thrift store I may go to because I know they have the best jewelry selection, another may have the best book selection, and yet another holds the title for best clothing selection. Although I do suggest looking through all departments because the best thing about thrift stores is you never know what you might find. I have found for example Chanel sunglasses, Abercrombie clothing, Hollister clothing and what I love best about thrift stores is the ability to find affordable vintage clothes.

I like to mix and match clothing from different eras and I have found some truly remarkable vintage clothes at - you guessed it - the thrift store I have deemed best for finding vintage clothes. I cannot give out any pertinent information of the stores where I have worked however, I do have some savvy insider information that anyone can abide by. First, scope out your local thrift stores and find which ones you deem to be the best for you. Next, find out when they have sales. A lot of thrift stores have an end of the month sale or even a weekly sale where the already discounted items are more than half-off. You may experience long lines and chaos during these sales but get there early and know what you are looking for. I have seen parents buy all four of their children’s school clothes for the year for $100! I bought the Abercrombie skirt (pictured above) for 75 cents and I bought the Chanel sunglasses (pictured above) for $10!

True, you may not be able to find everything you need at a thrift store but you can afford to furnish your wardrobe for next to nothing and no one is the wiser. The next tip I can give you is ask when the store production is there. If production is off for the day there will be no new items coming out to the floor that day so you would probably want to be there about midday on a day when the production is up and running to find fresh items. So, I have a challenge for you - find your local thrift stores, see what you can find, and see if I was right…

Thrift-In the New Year

Let’s face it - we have no idea what 2009 might bring. We can make idle resolutions and reflect on the previous years’ mistakes and misgivings but we still are not sure, financially, what the future will hold. Here’s what we do know - the economy is on a downward spiral into the abyss as is our concept of stability and safety financially. Some of us are unsure if, when and where our next paycheck will be coming from. Some of us are having to make the dollar stretch way further than seemingly possible. Gas prices are down (for now) but everything else is way up, yet it seems we are still getting paid the same, if at all. Well, HELP IS ON THE WAY!

I am a college graduate and I have never landed the dream job you are so aptly believed to get once you graduate. I have diligently applied for jobs from office work to factory to retail, but I have yet to bring in any malleable cash flow. I have been living this way all of my adult life, so when the economic crisis began to rear its ugly head, honestly, things were not that different for me. I am dedicating this website to share with you how to be thrifty, how to stretch your dollar, how to save money and where to save money. I don’t clip coupons or wash the same paper towel until it disintegrates but on my meager income I have plenty of food to eat, wear designer clothes, have a beautifully decorated living space and have zero debt. I am by no means living the “high life,” but I would love to share with you how you can achieve a thrifty lifestyle and remain stylish and content.

Also, it is so much fun when someone asks you how much you paid for the beautiful outfit you’re wearing and their mouth gapes open when you tell them under $20. Besides, doesn’t it make more sense to save your money for the more important things in life such as vacations, a home, a college education, or smart investment rather than wasting it on “stuff?”

I will be featuring actual items on this website that I have purchased and how much I paid for them and then show you how much this item would sell at retail value. Also, I will share the multitude of ways you can be thrifty with gifts, décor, clothing and artwork. Remember what’s important in life - friends, family, love, health and happiness and everything else is just stuff, and I’ll show you how to rock your own style on a thrifty budget. So let’s clear out the clutter and make way for a thriftier state of mind…